
Transform from “Before” to “After”

September 28, 2016 by · Leave a Comment 

Heather-ba-300x287Have you ever seen a really impressive “before” and “after” photo on a weight loss product?

Well, there’s something that the diet industry doesn’t want you to know. There is more involved than just the diet product, and it’s the same across the board.

Look into the eyes of any person in their “before” picture and you’ll see that they are deeply disturbed. The body they have is no longer in sync with the body they are able to accept.

They changed the body that they accept, and became disturbed.

Now look into their eyes in the “after” picture – see the sweet satisfaction? They now live in the body that they decided they could accept. What an amazing feeling that is.

Why are you still living life in your “before” body?

Sure, you have obstacles that get in your way – your schedule, your job, your kids, the weather, your knee injury from college…but ultimately you have the body that you accept.

I’m going to repeat that so it will really sink in.

You have the body that you accept.

Jake-baTransform from “Before” to “After”

You may not realize it, but you already posses everything you need to transform your body, and it all starts with taking responsibility for the body that you have today.

You are in your current shape because, until this moment, you’ve been OK with it.

Oh I know you aren’t thrilled with it, and you even talk about losing weight and getting fit-but you haven’t changed what you’ll accept.

Here’s how to transform your body in 3 steps:

Step One: Feel Disturbed

It has been said that emotion creates motion. This is essential when it comes to personal transformation. Just like those folks in the “before” pictures, to transform your body you must first decide that you can’t live another day in the body you currently have.

Get your emotions stirred up. Make a list of all the reasons that you’re ready to lose weight and get fit. Get disturbed.

alta-300x263Step Two: Decide What You Want

Without clarity you’ll never get where you want to go. Now that you’re disturbed with the body you have, decide what the body you can accept looks like.

Think in concrete and specific terms. Just like the captions under ‘before” and “after” pictures-“Jake lost 55 lbs,”

Get a clear picture in your mind of what you’ll look like in your “after” picture and decide what the caption will read.

Step Three: Take Action

The time spent between your inspiration (now) and taking action determines whether you will succeed or fail. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck between inspiration and action-there is always something that you can do immediately.

Take action by emailing or calling me at (813) 571-3700 now to set up a FREE Fitness Consultation.

I am here to take you from your “before” picture to your “after” picture.

What will your “after” caption read? (813) 571-3700

Is Staying in Shape Important?

September 3, 2016 by · 23 Comments 


Flab Life vs Fit Life?

There’s a perfectly sane explanation as to why most people say they want to be fit, and yet only a very small percentage actually are fit. Most of us, instead, are firmly cemented in the Flab Life rather than the Fit Life.

Want to know just how hard it is to lose the flab due to full immersion into the Fit Life? Here’s a glimpse into the Habits of Being Fit:

Fit Habit #1: Exercise Daily
The truly fit among us choose to hit the gym instead of getting extra sleep, watching TV or doing whatever else it is that you’d rather be doing. Exercise is a daily habit that simply becomes a way of life, rather than a task that’s begrudgingly undertaken on occasion. Those who adhere to the Fit Life incorporate challenging exercise into their lives so often that – gasp – they begin to enjoy and look forward to it!

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